Reporting duplicate bank transactions

In my transactions section there is duplicates of almost every purchase, deposit, payment, etc. The date of the duplicate is usually a day after the first duplicate. I only have one bank account set up. I have to go through and delete one of the transactions to make sure it is not counted twice.


I have a similar issue. I’ve sent a bug request via the forum as well as sending a message directly. I’ve not received a response to either of them and find that I am having to manually delete all the duplicate entries. It doesn’t seem that they have a handle on this almost 11 months later and are not communicating and status or fix to anyone.

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I still have the duplicate transaction issue

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I have reported this in March, had to clean up those transactions manually and now have 194 new transactions this weekend which are duplicates. I don’t know what process is running or changes are being made, but this is a pain to clean up each month and on top of the “pro” features being monetized are incentivizing me to look for another solution. I’m testing REI Hub now as it’s at least less expensive than the pro offerring for more features. It connects to the same bank accounts as Stessa and did not create duplicate entries this week. So I’m confident this is not an issue related to my bank.

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Also having transactions duplicating…

also have duplicate transactions - all please reply to each and like to bump issue in the feed.

also have duplicate transactions - please reply to each and like to bump issue