Forwarding Receipts - Attach to Corresponsing Transaction

Allow owners to forward email receipts to a inbox held by Stessa that is set to auto PDF print the email and either drop it as a new transaction, search Stessa transactions for a corresponding expense and attach the receipt there. The AI already does a good portion of those tasks, the hardest part would be accurately figuring out which expense to attach it since the date of receipt is usually 1-3 days earlier than the expense actually posts, but the AI could do a name similarity search in a date window and match the price. Anything that is a conflict would just need to be managed by the owner the next time they login.

Hi @reickspropertiesllc- Good news—Stessa offers an email forwarding feature for receipts and documents.

Receipts can be sent to If you have a receipt and the transaction is not created on the Transactions page, the transaction will be made and the image will be attached.

However, it has not yet been able to identify existing transactions and attach the image.

If you have a document you wish to connect to your Stesa account, you can email

Please note, you must email from the email address that was used to created the Stessa account.

I want to automate the process of forwarding receipt from my email address at gmail, but Gmail need to send a verification code for the forwarding email address first, is there a way that can somehow return the verification code so that I don’t need to manually forward receipt to Stessa? Like every time purchasing something from Home Depot, it will automatically forward all sales receipt from home depot to stessa.

Unfortunately, we can not support this request at the moment.

But, I have shared the feedback with the product team.