Email receipts to Stessa to scan to transactions

Many of my receipts come via email for online orders etc and I would like to be able to email these to Stessa like I do for my documents and see these just as I do my photo receipts in transactions with the information already extracted.

@carolann.foley Sure! This request is already supported. Just forward your email receipts to and they’ll be processed automatically as long as you’re sending from the same email address associated with your Stessa account.

Then check your Transactions page to verify that the new expense items were categorized and/or assigned properly.

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Thank you, that is great. I am able to email and see documents but not receipts after I email from the email I associated to the account. When I sent a document I got an email that it was processed, I have not gotten one from Receipts. What is the expectation of processing time?
Thank you for the quick response.

@carolann.foley Sorry we missed your follow-up question here. When you email a receipt to, it will match your email address to your Stessa account and create a new expense (or income) line on your Transactions page. If a matching transaction already exists, Stessa will simply append the receipt to the existing transaction. Please let us know if you continue to see a different result.

When I emailed receipts recently (a batch of 10 to be exact), Stessa formed a new transaction for each rather than finding and matching to the existing transaction. It was simple enough to just merge the 2 transactions - but I’m wondering why they weren’t matched.

I am having a similar issue with this new feature. I will email a reciept to Stessa, it will create a new transaction and then upload the invoice - great!!! Love this feature.

The only problem is that when my contractor gets around to cashing my check and the check clears my bank account, it duplicates the transaction in Stessa - long sigh…. :pensive:

Unfortunately for that reason this feature does not really work for me as it takes too much time to wait for my actual/duplicate transaction to clear only for me to remember to go and “catch it” so I can delete it. Kind of defeats the purpose as the time required to ensure transactions are accurate takes more time than simply waiting for the transaction to clear and spending time over the weekend to hunt down the invoice in my email, save it to my desktop and then upload it to my transaction I’m Stessa…

How much time does it take for “email to receipts@stessa” to show up in the transactions ? I am waiting for now more than 12 hours. What is the expectation here ?

Regarding Home Depot receipts auto emailed to my email linked to Stessa. They have within email copy and as a .pdf attachment. I forward these to Stessa and they are immediately processed, which is great. One issue though, I can open receipts from the laptop but not from iPhone. Perhaps, format conversion would be helpful? Or is it a bug?

Also, would it be possible to have more than one email address forward to and have it be captured under one login to Stessa? I have several email addresses for different businesses I manage in different portfolios.

Can we email the receipts/documents from more than one email addresses as we have few email addresses here?

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Just wanted to add that I too wish we could add additional email addresses for the receipts@stessa functionality. I have different email addresses for different aspects of my business and having only one able to send receipts to Stessa is an issue. When i’m in a rush (which is most of the time), I might forward a receipt from one of those secondary email addresses and not even realize that it’s not the one linked to Stessa. Thanks for listening!

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