Looking for a Masonry category and also another one where I could include the replacement of stairs and balconies. Thanks!
I would also benefit from this. On the actual stessa website, there is a page to help explain Capital Improvements vs. Repairs and Maintenance Expenses. On this page, there are a variety of items listed that are not available for choosing within Stessa. If Stessa has a blog that references certain repairs or capital improvements, it only makes sense to have the ability to choose these within the Stessa software. The website and software should be in sync. I added a screenshot below.
The link to this blog is: https://www.stessa.com/blog/capital-improvements-vs-repairs-maintenance/
is a new driveway a capital improvemtn
Probably best to have sub-categories just like show here, with “additions” as category and “Deck” as a sub-category
I would think yes because this does not exist before