A way to customize the rental application

Everyone has a different idea of a good tenant, adding the ability to edit applications for your tenant to see their answers will give a landlord better insight into who the best tenant would be. Also by adding this Application builder it would be nice to be able to have the following:

  • see their credit eviction and background check if required on their application easy as linking to it.
  • ability to print the entire packet for record keeping or reviewing
  • ability to select what is required I.E. application, credit history
  • ability to customize and add tenant questions
  • ability to mark questions or application blocks as required or not
  • ability to request required documents such as photo of pet, ESA letters ect…
  • ability to customize application with a logo
  • ability to write in instructions for the application
  • ability to change the Header on application
  • ability to add a select property drop down in case if you have multiple
  • ability to customize change font and color scheme.

I pulled all the things I really like from the free software I use for this from Innago.com they have done a good job with this so far but I am sure you guys can blow them out of the water! keep up the awesome work!