Assign rental income (and expenses) to a specific unit at a property

I thought it would be a great idea if stessa made it possible to record the rents for a specific unit or room within a property. I have many properties at the same address and it would be nice to be able to keep them all apart to see who has paid and who still owes. Thank you let me know what you think.


@cabinsofasheville Good suggestion! If others would also like to see Stessa add the ability to assign transactions to a specific unit (instead of a property or portfolio as currently available), please click the heart on the original post to vote for it.


For sure. I have 2 duplex units and it would be great to assign rental income to the individual door vs primary property address. Thanks.


Similarly, 2 of my SFHs are managed by a property manager and the rental deposit to my account is combined into one deposit. I am not able to break this rent deposit up and distribute to each property unless I do it manually. Would be nice if there was a way I could break up the rental income deposit into each property

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Definitely! +1’d for sure.

+1 this would be a great feature. I was just going to request this, but searched and found this thread. We have a 9 unit property and would be great to split expenses out at the property level to understand which units have the most upside potential!


Agree - this is a critical feature for Multi-Family landlords such as myself.

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Another vote for me! This would get really messy fast without this ability I think, at least in my thinking…

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I too want to vote for this feature. I’m not able to migrate to Stessa without this critical feature for my multi families.

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I agree this is an essential feature for multifamily property. I’m just testing Stessa out but without the ability to assign income and expenses to specific units it’s not going to work for me.


I am preparing for my 2019 taxes and this is a very much needed feature.

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Stessa is nearly perfect but this is definitely a missing feature that I would really like to see in the near future.

Good point. I have a single property manager covering multiple SFHs and I get rents deposited as a single total payment. The question is, would this be needed if the property management software linked to Stessa and was able to separate it out. I see this only being a need if linking a bank account that received the single lump payment from the property management company. Would be nice to have the choice.

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I too would vote for this feature and am surprised more don’t want it. I have a 12 unit and am thinking even for expenses this would be good to know per unit.


Good news! This morning we released a new feature that allows you to assign income and expenses to specific units via your Transactions page. Please give it a try and let us know how it goes. Thanks to all of you who voted for this request and provided helpful input along the way.

Note that reporting at the unit level is also now supported!


This has been a great addition and I use it frequently.

Thanks for this feature! I love how I can search based on units now!

Hi @devin,

New Stessa user here. Great app you guys have developed. I wonder if there is an ability to assign unit in the bulk csv upload? Right now, I see we can assign property, but for individual units, I have to assign them manually after upload.



This is Walter filling in for Devin. Since Unit-level Transactions is a relatively new feature, we haven’t added that option to the CSV import yet. We’ll add it to the wishlist. Thanks for the suggestion!


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yes, I would like to be able to track the rental income from individual tenants, so I would like this upgrade.

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