Reports "By Year" option, in addition to By Month and By Property

I would like the option to run reports by years, particularly the Net Cashflow report. This request is about how data is aggregated, not about the date range. Currently options are “By Month” “By Property” and “Combined”. I would love to be able to compare change over larger chunks of time, at a glance, with a “By Year” option instead of just “By Month”.


I have tenants that pay semi-annual or annually. So, the “By Month” option on reports and dashboard is not really helpful. Is there a way to bring back the toggle in dashboards to “By Year”? This would be greatly appreciated.

This is the third thread I have found asking for the “By Year” Option. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add “By Year” as an option in the drop down under the “By Month” option. I can’t imagine anyone not wanting this feature to show the performance of properties from year to year by showing yearly totals (e.g. comparing totals for years 2021, 2022, 2023, & 2024 to each other so we can see how the property is improving over each year).