The Net Cash Flow report can set columns “By Month”, “By Property”, or “Combined”. It would be great to have “By Year” also allowed.
I’d like to give my lender a property’s historical performance by year across several years to help with a lending decision.

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I vote for this upgrade too. It should be easy to do. This is very important to me because I like to the Year by Year totals of each of my properties to see how they are improving. This is a glaring missing reporting feature from Stessa. I am moving over to Stessa from PropertyTracker and they have a great report that shows either monthly or yearly.
Stessa Team, is there any update on this very easy addition to the Net Cash Flow report (to add “By Year” across multiple years? I had this in my previous software and I found it a great way to see how my properties are performing from year to year. It is very frustrating that this was left out of the options of how we are reporting. Every month I check for this and have continued to be disappointed that it is missing.
This would be a Great Feature to have.