Kindly request that a category be added for Automotive. If you own a vehicle under the same company that owns the property, this is necessary.
Did you figure out how where to log automotive expenses?
Right now, we are using other categories to track Vehicle Repair and Vehicle Insurance. For example, since we are not using Hurricane insurance category, we are using that for Vehicle Insurance. This is confusing when it comes to doing taxes and the reports for our tax professional. It would be helpful to have categories for Vehicle Repair, Insurance, Registration, Gas.
I am currently using a separate fake property for all of my vehicle expenses and using my own code like rmacke. Sooo frustrating. If I could have a separate vehicle expense category with all the IRS sub categories and an “other” category that would be so much easier. I purchased a new vehicle last year so I have to itemize my expenses in order to use my 179 deduction.