Need subcategories for auto expenses

My CPA is asking me to provide expenses for following subcategories:
Garage Rent
Parking Fees
Rental Fees
Personal Property Tax
Lease Add Back
Other Expenses

Can you add those categories to the software? It’s pain to track them manually each year

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@dreamrpm do you have a business vehicle or is your CPA trying to determine if mileage vs actual expense is more beneficial to you? Ask why. You’re not going to get Stessa to add those categories for you. You will need to put them in the notes field or track elsewhere. Just being realistic in expectations.

Hope that helps.


Yes I do have a business vehicle and my CPA needs to fill in this information to get the most benefit in the tax filing. I haven’t used notes field for this. But will try to use it. But subcategories is usually very helpful as auto categorization really helps me.
I understand this can’t be done immediately, but keeping this in mind for future releases will be really helpful.