Ability to track installment loans for owner financing

There is a lot of members that sell there property and finance it themselves and also I am sure there is a lot of members that also utilize rent to own contracts. In this case you should only need to claim on taxes the interest from that sale so far I haven’t found a way to track this in Stessa. Please add this ability.

Your friendly Neighborhood Landlords


Stessa, any reply to this? I also use owner financing and create an installment sale contract. I was forced into it when the condo board disallowed rentals. I would hate to have to abandon this tool.

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I am also interested in getting installment sales added to this software.

I would like to see the ability to accommodate this in your software. Seems like a pretty simple update.

I would also like to see this feature added. To add a bit more detail, I use a collateral backed loan with my brokerage. Profitable months I pay some interest and principle. Not so profitable months, I pay just the interest. Because it isn’t a standard mortgage loan, there isn’t a term. Loan is paid off when it is paid off.