Auto update Zillow valuation

I wished there was a way to auto update property value through Zillow instead of manual updates.


When you add a property and you can find the address from Stessa system, then the Zillow valuation will be showing almost in real time. You just need to click the “update” button to update the valuation to the property record.

However, if your property is a new construction and the address is not in the Stessa system, then you have to update the valuation by yourself even after the address is in their system.

When I put in my deposit to a new construction purchase, I wanted to start tracking all expenses. Since the address was not even in Google yet, Stessa helped me adding a property record using a house from California. Then they manually changed the address to the one that I wanted. Everything is fine in terms of transactions and reports. But when I see my profile on the map, it shows I have a property in California! Definitely it’d be nice to have some enhancement on it.