I’ve added 3 properties to my portfolio. Two of the properties linked and pulled public records data from Zillow no problem. The 3rd property pulled in the address and image data, but does not seem to be linked to Zillow so it is not pulling public records (tax, sqft, etc) or valuation data. I thought maybe I did something wrong when I added it, so I deleted the property and added again, being very careful to allow the search to auto-complete to the correct address. It’s still not linked. I am able to find my property on Zillow and all of the relevant data is there. How can I fix the link between my property in Stessa and the property on Zillow?
@pumrum Thanks for letting us know about this missing link. Since this is a user/property-specific error, please open a 1:1 support convo via the blue circle at lower right once logged into Stessa. Just let us know which property address you’re having trouble with.
We’ll get the connection repaired for you so that you can update and see your Zillow valuation in Stessa going forward.
Thanks, Devin. I opened a chat with Victor and he was able to link my Stessa property to the Zillow database using the URL I provided. I appreciate both of your quick support!