Dashboard KPI: Returns by property

It would be great to see net returns and IRR, either total portfolio, or by property, on the dashboard. These would include current market value, so a hypothetical return as if you sold all properties today at market value with no selling costs. Assuming we’ve entered purchase price/closing cost data correctly, returns are as simple as [property value + cash - debt] / capital invested, and then show the associated IRR.

The output would just show something like
Property A: 1.43x / 23%
Property B: 2.25x / 15%

This is really the ultimate measure of how our investment(s) have performed to date, so seems like it should be among the top KPIs on the dashboard. It could also show the components of returns (invested capital, appreciation, NOI, mortgage interest, debt paydown, etc…) which would be very cool. It could even take the place of the Portfolio Value and Debt KPIs by showing each of those by property in the same table, i.e…

----------------------Invested Capital…Market Value…Debt…Net Return…–…IRR
Property A: --------…$xxxx…---------…$xxxxx…–…$xxxx…-…2.00x…-…23.0%
Property B: --------…$xxxx…---------…$xxxxx…–…$xxxx…-…2.00x…-…23.0%