There were a number of transactions that were missing for 6 months back in 2019, so i tried to fix them by importing a quickbook extract from my bank. I noticed some other transactions missing, so tried it again. I thought things were working, but then i saw that a number of duplicates were created with slightly different descriptions, e.g. “quickpay with” vs “quickpay with zelle payment from”. This “killed” my account. Help please!!!
@ghassea Generally, when you upload a data file containing transactions that are already present in your Stessa account we will automatically de-dupe the line items. But the line item must be a perfect match to be de-duped. If you’ve changed or edited the original transaction in the slightest way since the original import, then the de-dupe won’t work and you’ll end up with slightly different versions of the same income or expense.
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