External bank connection problems [2023]

Any suggestion on fixing a Bank Connection (US Bank). I have nothing uploaded for about 3 + weeks. Refreshing or reentering a password do not work. Would you suggest deleting the connection and re-establishing?

Its now been over a month and I am unable to download transactions from US Bank… Not a tech but it appears from reading all the post on this issue that its not going to get any better.
I will try what was suggested from Devin " This is also why we support data file uploads in the most common formats as a workaround: Upload Transactions Data (QIF, QFX, OFX, CSV) | Stessa Help Center "

I am also experiencing the same issue and have been unable to import data for weeks. I feel that it may be time to switch platforms - as painful as it may be initially, I have lost trust in Stessa. Anyone have any recommendations for rental management platforms?


I’m in same boat there are too may issues and no fix.


I found i had to delete it all, I used Chase too, and then tried again. It worked the second time. No issues to date. I have like 7 accounts that funnel into transactions plus American Express

Hi, we’ve been testing out Stessa for most of 2023 as our accounting platform. It seems to work well for the most part. Today I noticed that some recent transactions were missing from one account. It shows on the bank app as posted but not on Stessa. They are from 4 days ago. The account shows that it is connected, we have had past transactions come through so it has worked in the past, and I refreshed the account so that it was updated minutes ago. Any insight would help. I sit down every morning to double check our business transactions since they are fresh in my head. I also have the receipts in hand to match each transaction. It becomes much more difficult trying to remember what we purchased, how to categorize, and which property they belong to when they lag by a week or so. I also would like to add that other accounts seem to post a day or two later without issue. Hopefully there is a quick fix!

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I set up an account with the Stessa bank 6 days ago. I also initiated an initial funding transfer from my present bank. The the transfer shows from the source but is not shown in my Stessa account. If all future activity is this slow, I would have reservations to continue with the Stessa bank.

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Yes. Multiple account importing issues. I had to resort to manually importing transactions. One account says it’s all fine but has not imported since September, and I think I manually imported in September, so it’s been more like at least 7-9 months.

Same responses. No changes. One bank is Pnc, i have the other accounts in Pnc connected to my personal finance app, two actually, with no connection issues whatsoever. It’s just here.

I love the concept of stessa but having to manually import transactions in this day and age? im starting to look at alternatives as I’m losing hope.


I have these issues nearly every time I log in. The only way to fix is to delete the account and reenter it. This of course potentially jeopardizes you losing years worth of transactions and info. The support staff usually takes about 2 days to get back to you… Very frustrating.