Financial Institution is not updating

My bank connection has not updated in 4 weeks, when I try to refresh the account it responds :
“Titan Bank - Business accounts are currently being refreshed.
Please try refreshing again in some time.”
The Stessa setting is on Import Automatically.
And never updates.

Same issue David. The bank connections don’t seem to be working properly. I’m having a similar issue with NBT Bank where every time I login it says to Fix it. I re-enter the login credentials, it takes them but nothing happens. I hit refresh accounts, it goes through the motions, it says it’s been updated but nothing happens. Very frustrating. I really don’t want to have to do manual entries but not sure how much longer I can wait. Ugh.

I am also having the same issue. I’m using Old National. When I first logged in, it said I needed to fix the connection. It “tried” to connect for over 15 minutes. I exited then logged in using Chrome, but the data would not “Refresh”. I’ve only had the account(s) connected since November – this is the third time the connection has broken but the first time it would not self - correct. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

How do we get someone from Stessa/Roofstock to chime in here?

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I’m having the same problem. Set up a new account through EVER Bank and it won’t connect. Bank of America was not a problem for me, but this lesser known new bank, seems to be. How can we contact support directly? I need to get this fixed.