Finding a CPA well versed in Stessa

We are having trouble finding a CPA that is well versed in Stessa. Right now our CPA takes all the information from Stessa and inputs it all into quickbooks, which is very expensive when paying them by the hour. Any advice?

Not an expert, but unless you are talking about a thousand units+, I can’t see how a simple import can possibly take that long, what are you sending them and in what form? Alternatively, why not export the .csv file from Stessa and send that to your CPA if that’s what they prefer. The data collected is not that complicated.

@jessie.sellers I’d be happy to connect you to my CPA. I am an investor and bookkeeper. I use Stessa for my own bookkeeping and my landlord clients. I generate the reports through Stessa and hand it to my CPA. He does not recreate everything into QB. The situation where a bit more manipulation may be needed is if your tax situation requires a true balance sheet and double-entry accounting. An s-corp where you are also flipping homes, wholesaling, and ground-up development. However even that shouldn’t take much effort. You can set up a call with me through the website below.
