Hours tab to track RE Professional status

Would like to see a tab added for a place to record hours worked on each property. It is a requirement for the IRS to keep track of hours seems logical to record it here with everything else.


@mapking1 Interesting idea! How often would you record your hours? Weekly or monthly? Do you have a process for tracking these now?

If others would benefit from this feature, please click the heart at the bottom of the original post to voice your support and help our Product team prioritize requests.


I am thinking weekly. With at least four properties I would log hours every visit once a month so at least once a week. Right now I have to manually log them.


Having someplace to record hours would be useful for me too. I keep track of hours in Toggl, which works great, but it would be great to be able to upload the data into Stessa to have it all in one place. I record time every day as I work on RE tasks – I start the timer in Toggl with a property and a task, then tap the button to stop when I’m done. It has reports available in the app, and by weekly email. At the end of the year I just download it all into a CSV file and read in Google Sheets.


I would also love to have this. I actually made the request and I was directed to this thread. I spent a lot of time doing various tasks at various properties and it would be amazing to know how many hours a week I actually spend, what I’m doing there, and then report it later. It’s very difficult as I don’t exactly invoice myself (though maybe I should). Really the question is, how much of a job did I buy vs. how much of an investment did I buy. And was it worth it to do myself or should I have gone to work overtime at my W-2 job and paid a contractor. Stessa is really a fantastic upgrade from Intuit Self Employed for a lot of reasons but there has to be faster upgrades and support. I used to pay $9.99/mo for a service that is 1/3 as useful. If 9.99 meant upgrade and improvements requests at a faster rate, then please, take my CC#.


There have been good suggestions, I would add that one a space to manually enter this info but two an option to automatically log hours within the program as work within Stressa is RE activity as is calling tenants tracking down rent taking calls for repairs calling and contacting vendors. When up loading a receipt or logging miles would correspond with RE activity. The time it took to drive to properties or store or errands. So there is multiple places this could be recorded and rolled up to one report. Thanks for considering.

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Hello! Found this thread and we’re sincerely hoping that perhaps the feature is still under consideration as described. Any word? Thanks.


Just found this thread, but would really appreciate the time tracker in Stessa so I don’t have to use another app. I love Stessa and this would be a great added feature!


I came here to vote for this one - I see it’s years old. Any update from developers as to if it’s been put on a roadmap?

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Any update on the request of giving a provision to log the hours.

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Yes, stessa needs to add app features to log and classify hours for real estate professional status for irs purposes. This would add huge value for the app.


Hi, has this feature been added? I’m curious if Stessa supports tracking hours for Real Estate Professional status IRS tax reporting as well.

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Why can’t we track hours from the app just like we can track miles. Same drop down from the + button, just add hours as an option… please add!

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Hi, I would also love to see this feature added! Right now I track this using a custom spreadsheet I made where I track 2 different types of hours: Material Hours and General Hours with 7 different activity sub categories. I would love to be able to track this just like I do mileage except it would be the number of logged hours, Material or General Hours, property, and the subcategory. I record this now almost daily or at least weekly. I’d prefer to record this information each day when I scan a receipt or record mileage. This could also be another drop down when mileage or expenses are recorded. Feel free to reach out!

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+1, we are using REPStracker now and the more apps the harder to manage

Just make it a field when I add the receipt for purchasing the repair item. Easy way to associate the installed product with the hours taken to install it.

+1, any updates on this? I use a google sheet…

+1 on this REP tracker request. Researching clockify and toggl and wondering to myself how awesome it would be to stay on the Stessa platform with these time logs… since I’m already tracking/ organizing transactions on a regular basis.

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5 years since anyone from Stessa has responded to a reasonable feature request… This is why I am dropping my paid subscription.

@peter1 I’m sorry to hear that we’ve let you down by not responding to feature requests, and I understand your decision to cancel your subscription. Your feedback is important to us, and I apologize for the lack of communication. We’re committed to improving our responsiveness and addressing user needs more effectively moving forward. If there’s anything we can do to make things right, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you for being a part of Stessa, and I hope we can reconnect in the future under better circumstances.