Hi there
I am new here and very excited, to join this community… I am new to Stessa and eager to learn from all of you. I’ve heard great things about this community and can’t wait to dive into the discussions.
I am particularly interested in any beginner tips you might have. Also, if there are any threads or topics you recommend for a newbie like me, please let me know.
Thanks for having me here. I am looking forward to contributing and learning from everyone.
With Regards,
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@marcosandrew143 Welcome. I responded to your other post. I’ll just add that you should review the tax guide under the resources tab. Great primer. Set 15-20 minutes aside every month to record your transactions in Stessa. Biggest struggle I see with my clients and others is taking the time to collect the info needed to do their books. It’s funny because even though I do the bookkeeping for my clients, they still struggle to get me what I need to do it. I have to give them nice gentle nudges sometimes to supply the information. I know it’s not fun, but real estate is a business that should be taken seriously.