Is this platform being actively supported?

Dear Stessa - Is this platform being actively supported since it was acquired by Roofstock? I truly enjoy and appreciate using Stessa and its features, but I feel like it’s been languishing over the last 6 months or so. Features that I previously relied upon (e.g., old dashboard view) are no longer available, and recent issues (e.g., automatically applied late fees) have caused accounting problems. Can you please provide the Stessa community with an update regarding what’s going on? Thank you!


I’ve been wondering the same thing and will offer my opinion since you’re unlikely to get a response here (explained below). If you’d like a response, you should contact them directly via chat.

They have recently added features, do respond quickly (in hours) to some support requests, updated apps iOS (Dec 21, 2022) and Android (Dec 14, 2022), updated support docs, etc…

This forum, however, may be abandoned. Looking back at November and December, there aren’t any official Stessa replies that I can find. And @devin, who used to be the Director of Customer Success and one Stessa representative in the forum, hasn’t posted since October in the forum. Also, I’m not seeing any updates posted to the Stessa news section or Blog.

Based on the info mentioned above, RoofStock will likely be more focused on how Stessa can serve RoofStock customers rather than trying to monetize Stessa (which would mean more focus on Stessa’s customers). The macroeconomic picture should also be considered, as many PropTech, and real estate companies are struggling – at least with cash flow – with the recent decrease in transactions.