Nicknames for bank, loan, and credit card accounts


Is there a way to nickname credit cards?

My partner and I each have the same credit card (different accounts) to manage properties. We also have multiple accounts under one bank.

when we download transactions its hard to tell whose transaction it is, this helps to know who to ask for details and who is responsible for the receipt.


@maria.cantu Thanks for your questions. Account nicknames are not currently supported, but I imagine others would also find this feature helpful.

Moving this thread to the Wishlist so others can vote for the idea and add their own comments.

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I’m also in the same situation and looking to request this feature - the ability to nickname bank accounts and credit cards per property - glad to see it is already posted.


I’m not sure how to vote, but I agree that this feature would be very useful.

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This would be very helpful

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Agreed! I also don’t know how to vote for a feature, but would love this


Thanks for the feedback everyone! You can “vote” by clicking the heart icon near the bottom of the original post. It looks like this:
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hi @maria.cantu we had the same issue as well. although we weren’t able to solve it completely, we ended up splitting the properties into two stessa accounts and imported corresponding bank transactions based on each bank account from data sources on stessa and reduced at-least the burden on bank accounts however the credit card is still a challenge.

This feature would be great for my situation. I have multiple LLCs (1 per property), and a unique bank account for each one, but all accounts are from the same bank. So, if I could put a nickname the accounts, I can easily see which account goes with which LLC/property from the transactions page.