Seems like everyone enables this except Stessa.
- Azibo
- ClearNow
- PayYourRent
- Esusu
- Jetty Credit
- Rent Dynamics
All enable this.
It’s great for Tenants b/c it helps them build credit. It’s great for Landlords b/c it keeps them accountable.
Seems like everyone enables this except Stessa.
It’s great for Tenants b/c it helps them build credit. It’s great for Landlords b/c it keeps them accountable.
I totally agree. Stessa can we get comment on this? If this is something on your development whiteboard I’m happy to wait for it. If not, I might look at using a service that does. Thanks!
To anyone seeing this, “FrontLobby” is a service I found that does and can be used on top.
This should be added, I agree!