Tenant Email Access Issue for Stessa Rent Collection

A tenant rents a couple of offices so we have two separate leases with different end and start dates. But when they sign up to pay rent using Stessa, their in-house Accounts Payable person is unable to log into both accounts to pay the rent because she is using her same work email address.

Turns out, regardless of how many units your one tenant rents, Stessa’s rent collection will only allow an email address to be used only once. So you are out of luck if you have the same tenant renting multiple locations. Their workaround is:

(1) merge and co-mingle the accounts with different leases together which would be an accounting and record keeping nightmare so this is a non-starter or
(2) ask the tenant to use another email address for each office lease. But what company will allow their designated accounts payable employee to use a personal email address? And what company will assign two or more work email addresses to the same person?

Huge issue that needs to be fixed quickly if their rent collection system is to be useful.

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