Accounts haven't updated for 4 months

My accounts haven’t updated for 4 months. I saw elsewhere that I can Refresh Accounts for this bank but that makes me go thru authenticating and selecting the accounts again. Last time I did that I got double transactions for two accounts. (You’d think each transaction would have a unique identifier to prevent this).

Will authenticating with my bank and selecting all of the accounts again bring in duplicate transactions?

Why is stessa not just automatically importing transactions. Isn’t this like requirement #1?

Hello Jay1
I have been having the same issue. No matter what I do I cannot refresh the conncetion. And then a few months back, it doubled my transactions. Having contacted support, I beginning to think that there is no fix. And unfortunatly will be looking for another online solution.

Good to know. It really is the most basic requirement that, when broken, invalidates all of the wonderful functionality provided by this system.

Hopefully I can get an answer from support.

I just did the refresh and crossed my fingers. The transactions came thru and thankfully I’m not seeing duplicates.