Bank Tranfer not showing up from 11/29

I have a bank transfer from the same bank account I have used to transfer rent for over a year. The transfer is showing up in the account, debited on 11/29 and still is not in my stessa account with Thread Bank. This is way past reasonable. I am a Pro Account user.

I have a similar situation where my bank transfer was debited 12/13. It is now 6 days later and not showing in my Stessa bank account. I am not yet a Pro user, new to Stessa.
Did your situation resolve? Any advice for me?

I did find that transaction when I looked at my statement for December. In cash management click on actions for the account in question, you can choose bank statement, see if it shows up there.

Hi k.gerkin,
Did not find in my statements. I’ll give it another day then try to pursue directly with Stessa.
I’m getting a little concerned about my funds at this point. I presume that you have never lost any money in dealing with Thread Bank?

I have not lost any money but the one transfer took 8 or 9 days. I would defiantly go to support. I did and it seemed to help.