Cash management account- Ability to name beneficiary

I recently opened a cash management account but then discovered there is currently no way to name a beneficiary on the account. I need this feature in place before I feel comfortable adding any significant amount of money. With my other bank accounts I can name a beneficiary or set up a TOD ‘transfer on death’ or POD “payable upon death” person or persons and this is part of my larger estate planning considerations.


@blossomwright thanks for throwing this as a wishlist item. This is big on my priority list as well and I hope they address it soon. I did get an email back from Chris saying they’re working on it but no ETA.

In the meantime my significant other has all my details so she can login if something were to happen to me.

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Would like to bring this topic back to Stessa’s attention, @devin , can we expect the new banking provider to offer this for accounts?


I wanted to bump this back up to the top. It is hugely important to have a beneficiary or payable on death option. This is a real deal breaker for me. I can deal with some of the odities of the banking system of stessa but the lack of a beneficiary or check writing is unacceptable. Please consider adding both options to the account soon! I don’t want to change software and banking again.

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