Cash Management - Bill Pay (and paper checks)

Adding my vote for bill pay!


I wouldn’t call myself a Cash Management expert but have been using 3 accounts for 3 properties for about 3 months now. It seems to work well, although somewhat limited. All of my HOAs (6) offer ACH payments, and our 3 mortgage companies also embrace ACH. Additionally, with virtual and physical debit cards that, too, helps. However, there definitely is a lacking in paying ad hoc services, such as a handyman, or other small business operation without the ability to do a check, bill pay, or digital payment such as Zelle or Venmo. As a result, I also, am keeping an external checking account to handle these expenses. Until Stessa offers these services in their Cash Management accounts I will have to continue this extra layer of complexity. :frowning:


Not having bill pay and paper checks is a HUGE problem… how do I pay the handy man??


Could we have someone from Stessa chime in here and give us an update as to whether or not this feature is ever going to be added? It seems like a very basic/normal service for business banking.


I also have to have a separate bank account that can issue and work with checks

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@slockwood - I use my accounts for Venmo since you just connect the bank account. you need to go through the manual process of doing deposits but Venmo is working great. Zelle on the other hand would be very nice to have and definitely need billpay for city services and other things that don’t accept epayments


Please add check option to Cash Management

Please add bill pay and checks

Agree with adding! Also, other contributors may need to access “Cash Management” so that should be added as well.

I know there is a lot of people like me and I took forever to say something. There are a lot of us that would use the service if there was a way to write checks bill pay. Without the service I’m not interested.

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Like everyone else says on this thread - PLEASE ADD PAPER CHECK USAGE AND/OR BILL PAY! These are essential core functions of a cash management account… needs to be added ASAP.


@mike8 is correct, paper check writing is NOT currently supported with Stessa Cash Management. This is on the roadmap as a planned enhancement in the future.


+1 for paper checks and/or bill pay.

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+1 for paper checks. I have vendors I need to pay that don’t accept credit/debit cards.

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Has anyone used Melio with the cash management account for bill pay and had good success?

Adding my vote for Bill Pay as well!

Bill pay is a must. This way most of the expenses will automatically be posted. Now I have to transfer the money out to my outside bank account then manually enter it into Stessa. Double work and increased chances of human errors.

Melio is the solution until Stessa adds a Bill Pay feature!!! It’s a Bill Pay service that pays your bills on demand, on a scheduled date, or recurring payments. Funding source is ACH (free), or credit/debit card (2.9% fee). Destination can be ACH or a mailed paper check. I have tested this with Stessa.

This is perfect for things like HOA payments that commonly only accept paper checks. I also use it for recurring transfers to myself, as a way of taking owner draws from the business. Also good for paying small contractors who don’t always accept Paypal or Venmo. I searched high and low for a solution like this and this was the only perfect solution I could find. :grinning:

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When is bill pay going to be implemented. I am getting tired of transferring all my money out (with a daily limit of $1500) in order to actually pay bills. It is time consuming and annoying to manage the cash this way.

please either implement the bill pay soon or get rid of the $1500 daily transfer limit!!!

I may have to change platforms to Buildium if this is not done soon.


Both attempts at using Melio to send checks from a Stessa bank account failed. Yours are still working?