Desperately need an update on this issue. Late fees also show up in tenent ledgers which are an extremely important document that NEEDS to be accurate.
Has there been any update on this issue? Next week has turned into over 7 weeks without any progress.
Hello - Any update on this issue? I’m having the same problem and was hoping to fix it before year end. Thanks!
Update on this? Been four months now.
I would like this feature too!
I would like this as well. My tenants actually pay early and Stessa is still applying a late fee. The month starts with a credit balance from the early payment in the previous month, and there’s an auto late fee added that I cannot delete.
Seems you can now delete most errant late fees. However, I’m unable to delete the first late fee recorded to two of my tenancies. I was able to delete the first late fee recorded on a third tenancy.
When I click the late fee entry on either of the two problematic accounts, it moves scrolls up, highlighting the “Rent History” element and displaying the “The original Security Deposit collected should be tracked here.” tooltip. There is no dialogue like I found with the others.
Yes - I am still unable to delete late fees from some tenants while other tenants I can delete them. What is going on with this / what is the status? This should be a simple fix!
Bump!! Any type of update on this?