My bank was bought out by another bank, so I have new bank acounts connected to Stessa. Stessa is still showing balances for my old accounts which have been transferred to the new bank.
How do I create a journal entry that zeros out my original bank accounts that were transferred to the new accounts. Right now, the old accounts are showing up with balances that no longer exist. I want to keep the history, so I don’t want to delete those accounts, but I need the 2 original accounts to show a zero balance. How is this accomplished?
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@natendanabarber I am not aware of a way to do this. I was poking around and I do not see a way to add a transaction that is associated with an external account. Very frustrating indeed.
I generally recommend to my clients to not connect the financial accounts. I know, blasphemy, what’s the point?
If you ever have to export this data to a loan officer or CPA, you’ll need to export to Excel then delete the rows for those accounts, I suppose.
Would this work:
- Download all my transactions in Stessa.
- Delete my external accounts.
- Import my file from step 1.
@natendanabarber your theory and logic are sound. I would do it carefully. Become familiar with how to upload transactions in a csv file, first. Otherwise you’re creating a whole lot more work for yourself.