Online rent collection

Would love the ability to send a link to my tenants that allows them to create a simple account where they can log in and pay rent via ACH bank draft. I am enjoying using Stessa for the majority of business I do with my portfolio, but I’m still having to use Cozy to collect rent. Would love to have it all in one place!


Nate - I am with you. I use Cozy for Rent Collection, tenant screening, tenant applications, and most everything for my portfolio. I have 9 rental properties and with all of the manual entries into Stessa for rent collection, insurance, tax info, etc…I am trying to figure out where Stessa can help me.


I vote for this as well. I thought I read Stessa was going to roll this out but of course I can’t find the link. It make sense as it would be a revenue stream for the % fee.

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I am also looking for this feature. I think property owners would pay for this service. Crickets, havn’t heard from Stessa?

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Cozy doesn’t charge for this features so I think Stessa would have to make it free as well. But it’s to their benefit as a marketing tool for making it a one-stop rental manager.


Thanks all for adding your voices and suggestions to this thread. Rent collection is certainly something we’re considering for the future. We’ll post updates here as available. In the meantime, if others would also like to see this become part of Stessa, please click the green heart icon on the original post to register your support.


I would love to see Stessa continue to focus on the analytics side of owning property and create integrations with the various rent collection platforms. Similar to Personal Capital, they became so big by focusing on integrating with third parties and allowing people to perform analysis on their portfolios. There are many one-stop rental managers out there, I think it would be hard to compete. Focus on what you do best first.

Would stessa consider opening an account or working with PAY MEAR ME where cash rent payments can be made at 7-11 CVS drugs and ACE chk cashing. I believe stwssa will have to commit to 500 accts or payees. The tenant pays the $4 fee and stessa gets a cut out of that.

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Any update on rent collection feature? Another Stessa fan who is willing to pay for rent collection service.


Oh I second this! I’ve been looking for an “all in one” place for both rent collection and reporting, and I love Stessa’s reporting more than anyone elses.


Yes this would be great to have the rent collection option! Would “like” this post more than once if I could!


Just FYI, our tenants use Zelle and Venmo to pay us rents, which is free to both payer and payee. This incorporates easily and well into our bank account, which in turn flows into Stessa. But it helps to (manually) transfer Venmo balances to the bank after each transaction, so the exact amounts are easier to allocate without splitting. I hope it helps.


Yes vote to this/tenant portal.


Yep this is fairly standard now so would be great.


Would love if Stessa had rent collection & tenant screening. Then I could stop using Cozy!


If Stessa added rent collection and tenant Screening, it would be awesome. Seems like it could be easy as it would be utilizing someone else’s service in the background.


If Stessa added rent collection, it would become my primary tool.


Have you tried using Venmo?

I would love this capability to collect rent through Stessa. I feel like this would make my love for Stessa more complete and head over heels.


Absolutely, I would much prefer Stessa get money instead of Cozy