Recurring fixed charge / utility

Why can’t I add a recurring fixed charge other than rent. In my building tenants pay their share of the utility to me and it is the same every month. I don’t want to add it to the rent for obvious accounting accuracy. So I have to go every month and manually enter the charge for every unit. For 20 units it is a lot of work that can be eliminated if I can add a recurring charge.


I posted something similar here: Ability to Have Automatic Charges to Tenant for Additional Income or Escrows


I was so surprised this is not included. It’s standard real estate practice!


No comments or follow up from Stessa team so far!!!


One possible solution is to create another unit and treat it as another rent. This is just a way to get by. Ideally it is best to have the Stessa to add the ability to schedule recurring charges

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Totally agree. The ability to add recurring charges would be fantastic. This manual nonsense (for pet, utility, or any other recurring monthly charge) is garbage.


Why isn’t this a feature yet. Multiple people have been asking for years.


I requested to add the option of a recurrent payment two years ago, when I started using Stessa. I was told at that time that Stessa’s development team review the wish list regularly and they update the application accordingly. After two years, it looks like the wishlist is just a blog for the users to vent and share their struggles with issues that your team refuses to address. I’m not venting now, I’m sharing with all the other paying users. If you don’t add this feature, I’ll stop my upgraded paid subscription and downgrade to the free version. I hope other subscribers do the same. If you are not investing our subscription money to improve the program, then we will just stop paying it.


There are several users continuing to ask for this. I just did again through customer support and was told not yet here is the email reply

Hey David - Unfortunately, we currently don’t have the option to set up recurring charges. You’ll need to manually add those for now.

Please click here to find more information on Section 8 housing.

Senior Customer Success Associate

I have a couple scenarios - 1 is subsidized housing some section 8 some local programs it would be nice to be able to enter them automatically separately and rent collect the same way - but the work around is probably to split a unit into 2 units but that gets messy.

I have multi-tenant spaces where several people pay their rents for the room they have - again same solution Apt A-1 Apt A-2 Apt A-3. It works and it can roll up all the bills under the same property.

3rd - many of my tenants pay a monthly escrow toward their utilities - water in particular since it becomes a tax liablility. in Stessa I have to either add it every month or or put it into the rent. then Stessa calculates partial month rent wrong. Getting the invoices right does not work well in my opinion.

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