Security deposits are almost always due prior to tenant move in. However it doesn’t seem that Stessa has a way to update the due date of the security deposit. I think it would be useful to be able to change the due date.
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Yes. Some times we give extra time to pay. Please add a feature to track Security deposit balance and not to charge late charge on security deposit payments (do not club Security deposit payments with rent payments)
Thank you,
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I also would like a due date on the security deposits. I am new to Stessa and just realized that when I enabled my rent collection, I actually had to enable it for my security deposit, then disable and re-enable for my rent sending to the correct bank account. Kind of a pain. I’d love a way to enable collection of security deposit based on a due date and sent to a specific account. Then rent controlled separately on a due date, correct amount and sent to it’s specific bank account. I cannot co-mingle my funds.