Zelle...where are you?!?!

Any updates on when Zelle will be implemented with Stessa?


@b.leong27 I can’t comment on that however my experience with Zelle is within the bank account. Can you connect your Zelle activity to the bank account you connect to Stessa?

Hope that helps.


Hi Tom, sorry I don’t understand your question

@b.leong27 No problem, I’ll try again. My experience with Zelle is that it transacts within the bank account, or specifically withdraws from the bank account. Therefore, you don’t need a direct connection to Zelle, just connect the bank account in question. Here is a screenshot to demonstrate. If I am sending funds through Zelle and it is connected to my “US Bank” account, it will withdraw from that account. My question to you is - can you just connect the bank account you’re using with Zelle to Stessa, then you will see your Zelle transactions automatically populate in Stessa?

Hope that helps.


Well if I want to pay one of my contractors with one of my Stessa accounts that I have tied to a specific property, I want to be able to quickly send him money without having to send him a wire. That is where Zelle is easy to use to send money to different people

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@b.leong27 Thank you for clarifying. The lightbulb just went on over my head. You’re asking for Zelle within the Stessa specific cash management accounts. Now, I understand! Great suggestion.


Please add Zelle,

Lack of bill pay, and lack of Zelle specifically are a HUGE bummer. I was really looking forward to a playform that could do it all for 2025.

Please STESSA. get your act together on the cash management side. Features are FAR too limited for a business banking account…

Please evereone else take a minute to chime in too. I dont want to switch, but unfortunately the banking capabilities are far too lacking. ill be switching soon without a definitive answer from stessa support as to when these features will be added.

So if billpay and Zelle are important to you, please take a minute to respond and let @victor (Profile - victor - Stessa Community)
and team know by showing your interest here


PLEASE get Zelle! I may need to switch banks as well if Zelle isn’t coming.

Just got this from support:

“​There are no plans to implement Zelle at this time.”

Ugh why is this such a hard thing for them to do…

Idk, it’s a bummer though! I’m looking at Baselane and some other options for now which is too bad.

Does Baselane have Zelle?