I have many rental properties and I use Stessa as single source of truth for income tracking and tax prep purposes. Many hours have been spent to uploading the receipts and making the data as accurate as possible. I was wondering if there is a way to backup and export the entire account data including documents as a local copy in case unexpected data loss happened on the Stessa side. I trust Stessa is already backing up data but I can only sleep well at night when I have a copy.
The “tax package” export is good. It would be better if there was an option to export the entire data including documents organized in each property’s folder by month-year. One step further, implementing a one-button backup/export and one-button import/restore the entire account would be golden.
Bulk download of documents is now available via the Documents page. Use the checkboxes at far left to select the specific documents to download, and then click the “Download” button at upper right.
@gt1 The best way to download all receipts is to run a Tax Package report. Select the time period and Portfolio/Property and then proceed. You’ll receive an email with a link to a ZIP file with images of all receipts attached to transactions that meet whatever filters you’ve set on the Reports page.