Not able to link Divvy credit card account

I tried to link my Divvy credit card account and it continually fails. Is there a solution for accounts that will not link for some reason?

Error message:
It appears we’re experiencing a technical error with this connection. This can happen for a number of reasons, including ongoing site maintenance by your financial institution. Please try again in 24 hours. Alert support if further attempts also fail.

@kj_mpa Divvy is officially supported by Yodlee (our secure banking partner) so you should be able to link this account to Stessa. Have you tried recently?

Yes…I tried today 6/6/21 and last week and same results. It will not connect.

Bump on this. My Divvy card won’t connect after working fine for a few months. Is there a better way to debug these connections? The issue always seems to be on the other end (stessa says problem is w/ CC/Bank account, CC/Bank account says problem is w/ Stessa).

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